Custom build

Windows 10 Pro 1607.4583 Super Lite Custom build for @feri
+ integrate Windows10.0-KB4486129-x64
+ integrate windows10.0-kb4532820-x64
+ integrate Windows10.0-KB5001402-x64
+ integrate Windows10.0-KB5004752-x64-NDP48
+ integrate Windows10.0-KB5005043-x64
+ removed component same as 2104.1147 SuperLite version except RDP feature was keeped by request
+ enable by default remote desktop option
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Windows 10 Pro 2104.1266 Lite Plus Custom build for @houn
+ integrate SSU-19041.1220-x64
+ integrate Windows10.0-KB5005611-x64
+ integrate Canon LBP2900 printer driver
+ integrate Japanese, Korean, Chinese and Russian language pack
+ add custom avatar image for user account
+ keep windows defender
+ fix whiteboard apps issue
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Windows 10 Pro 2009.1288 SuperLite Custom build for @Xavier
+ integrate SSU-19041.1220-x64
+ integrate Windows10.0-KB4562830-x64
+ integrate Windows10.0-KB5001679-x64
+ integrate Windows10.0-KB5005645-x64
+ integrate Windows10.0-KB5005714-x64
+ integrate Windows10.0-KB5006670-x64
+ enable by default remote desktop connection option
+ keep remote desktop connection
+ keep calculator
+ removed component same as superlite version
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Windows 10 Pro 2104.1319 Pro v2 Custom build for @Aramarth
+ integrate SSU-19041.1310-x64
+ integrate Windows10.0-KB5006738-x64
+ integrate Windows10.0-KB5006748-x64
+ fix zonealarm antivirus drivers update
+ fix zonealarm firewall installation issue
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Windows 10 Pro 2104.1319 SuperLite Custom build for @joel72265
+ integrate SSU-19041.1310-x64
+ integrate Windows10.0-KB5006738-x64
+ integrate Windows10.0-KB5006748-x64
+ keep RDP
+ enable FOD SNMP and WMI SNMP Provider
+ enable FOD DNS Server Tool
+ enable FOD group policy management
+ removed component same as superlite version
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Windows 11 Pro Build 22000.346 Lite Custom build for @FUNKYTOWN
+ integrate SSU-22000.345-x64
+ integrate Windows10.0-KB5007262-x64
+ integrate Windows10.0-KB5007268-x64
+ integrate Windows10.0-KB5007400-x64
+ integrate Windows10.0-KB5007575-x64
+ keep Windows Fax/Scan
+ enable lock screen
+ Enable Windows Dark theme
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Windows 10 Pro 21H2.1387 Lite Plus Custom build for @LtMatt81
+ keep Xbox services
+ keep Windows Defender
+ keep Edge
+ remove RDP
+ remove Azure active directory
+ remove Messaging service
+ remove Windows search
+ remove WMP
+ remove Focus assist
+ remove Speech
+ remove Fax/Scan/Printer
+ remove few unnecessary component by request
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Windows 10 Pro 21H2.1415 Lite Plus Czech v2 Custom build for @nedeto
+ integrate SSU-19041.1371-x64
+ integrate Windows10.0-KB5007324-x64
+ integrate Windows10.0-KB5007401-x64
+ integrate Windows10.0-KB5007402-x64
+ integrate Windows10.0-KB5008212-x64
+ integrate Windows10.0-KB5008575-x64
+ change hiberfile type as reduced
+ keep all xbox stuff
+ fix new xbox apps issue
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Windows 11 Pro 21H2.469 Lite Plus Custom build for @LtMatt81
+ keep Xbox services
+ keep Windows Defender
+ keep Edge
+ remove RDP
+ remove Azure active directory
+ remove Messaging service
+ remove Windows search
+ remove WMP
+ remove Focus assist
+ remove Speech
+ remove Fax/Scan/Printer
+ remove Power automate
+ remove Windows search
+ remove all Hyper-v
+ remove and disable few unnecessary component/service by request
+ fix office 365 activated issue
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