Build Update Win11 Enterprise LTSC 2024

Windows 11 IoT Enterprise LTSC Build 24H2.1457 Lite
+ integrate Windows11.0-KB5041178-x64
+ integrate Windows11.0-KB5041979-x64
+ integrate Windows11.0-KB5042098-x64-NDP481

Note. This insider preview build for testing purpose only (Unsupported).
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Windows 11 Enterprise LTSC Build 24H2.1882 Lite
+ integrate Windows11.0-KB5042098-x64-NDP481
+ integrate Windows11.0-KB5043080-x64
+ integrate Windows11.0-KB5043178-x64
+ integrate Windows11.0-KB5043934-x64
+ integrate Windows11.0-KB5044075-x64
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Windows 11 Enterprise LTSC Build 24H2.2033 Lite
+ integrate Windows11.0-KB5043080-x64
+ integrate Windows11.0-KB5044030-x64-NDP481
+ integrate Windows11.0-KB5044284-x64
+ integrate Windows11.0-KB5044612-x64
+ integrate Windows11.0-KB5045520-x64
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Windows 11 Enterprise LTSC Build 24H2.2033 Lite Plus
+ integrate Windows11.0-KB5043080-x64
+ integrate Windows11.0-KB5044030-x64-NDP481
+ integrate Windows11.0-KB5044284-x64
+ integrate Windows11.0-KB5044612-x64
+ integrate Windows11.0-KB5045520-x64
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Windows 11 Enterprise LTSC Build 24H2.2314 Lite
+ integrate Windows11.0-KB5045934-x64-NDP481
+ integrate Windows11.0-KB5046339-x64
+ integrate Windows11.0-KB5046617-x64
+ integrate Windows11.0-KB5046910-x64
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Windows 11 Enterprise LTSC Build 24H2.2314 Lite Plus
+ integrate Windows11.0-KB5045934-x64-NDP481
+ integrate Windows11.0-KB5046339-x64
+ integrate Windows11.0-KB5046617-x64
+ integrate Windows11.0-KB5046910-x64
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Windows 11 Enterprise LTSC Build 24H2.2314 Lite Store

General info:
This version is the same as the lite version, the difference is Ms.Store was added
Fresh clean install supported only
Architect 64bit
Size: 1,59gb (ESD)

Update integrated:
+ integrate Windows11.0-KB5045934-x64-NDP481
+ integrate Windows11.0-KB5046339-x64
+ integrate Windows11.0-KB5046617-x64
+ integrate Windows11.0-KB5046910-x64
+ add Ms.Store (v22410.1401.2.0)

+ Available only for premium plus membership.
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Windows 11 Enterprise LTSC Build 24H2.2605 SuperLite

General info:
Fresh clean install supported only
Architect 64bit
Size: 1,40gb (ESD)

Removed components:
57-bit linear, Agent activation runtime, Ai machine learning, All diagnostics and troubleshooting, All Xbox,Alljoyn router service, App identity service, App installer, App resolver, App target feature, App virtualization, App web viewer, APX speaker and microphone, Assigned access, Async textservice, Audio Spatial DSP, Autopilot, Autoplay, Barcode preview, Biometric, Bitlocker drive, Branchcache, Brokering file system, Browser broker, Cache files, Call, Camera frame server, Capture picker, Capture Service, Cellular time, Character map, Client license flexible platform, Clipboard service, Clipchamp, Clock, Cloud desktop, Cloud identity service, Component package support, Connection flow, Contact data, Containers, Content delivery manager, Corruption verifier, Cortana, Credential dialog, Credential manager, Data sharing service, Defender, Desktop image downloader, Device update center, Directx WARP JIT Service, Disc image burning tool, Discovery broker, Disk cleanup, Disk defrag, Disk quota, Display switch, Dolby atmos codec pack, EAS, Ease of access, Easy transfer, Edge, EFS, Embedded Experiences, Embedded mode, Encryption provider host, Error reporting, Explorer (Legacy), Extra theme, Extra wallpaper, Eye control, Family, Family feature, Feedback hub, Few 32 bit Apps, Few codecs, File picker, File picker, First logon animation, Font previewer -32 bit, Game explorer, Get help, Hardware requirements check, Healing client, Hello Setup, Help file, Hyper-V, IIS, Inbox apps, Insider program, Intel Indeo Codecs, Intel IPT, Internet explorer, Karberos client-32 bit, Kernel debugging, LAPS, Legacy component, Legacy symbolic links, Location service, Lock App, Lock screen, Lock screen background, Mail and calendar, Map control, Maps, MDM, Memory diagnostic, Mixed reality, MMGA MAPI, Movie & TV, Ms. Todo, MSN weather, Multipoint connector, Narrator, NAT driver, Natural authentication, Natural language, NDIS, Netlogon, Network background transfer, News, Notepad apps, Notification intellegence platform, Now playing session manager, NSCI, OCR, Office, Offline files, OneDrive, Onesettings client, OpenSSH, Paint apps, Pasport, Payments, PDF reader, Peer networking, Pen service, People, Performance monitor, Photo codec, Photo viewer, Photos, Picture password, Pinning confirmation, PktMon, Play ready, Portal flow, Power automate, PowerShell ISE, Private character editor, ProjFS, Proximity, Push notification, PushToInstall, QoS, Quick assist, Radio management, RDC, ReFS, Remote assistance, Remote desktop, Remote desktop, Remote registry, Resume from hibernate, Retail demo, Right management, Safe remove device, School account, Screensavers, Scripto, Security center, Sensors, Servicing stack, Setting sync, SFC, Share media control panel, Shared experiences, Shared PC, Shell experience, Shell search, Simple TCP/IP service, Skype, Smart action platform, SmartScreen, Snipping tool, Snipping tool, Solitaire collection, Sound, Spatial Sound (3D Audio), Speech, Speel checking, SQM, Step recorder, Sticky notes, Storage service, Store, Store experience host, Suggestion dialog, Sustainability service, Sync host, Sysprep, System guard, Take a test, Targeted content, Task view, Telnet client, TFTP client, Tips, Trace minifilter, TTD, TV codec, UE-V, UNP, User data storage, VHD, Voice recorder, WCN, Web experience pack, Web threat,Webcam experience, Webclient, WIF, Wi-Fi sense, Wifi Sync, Win audit, Windows calculator app, Windows camera app, Windows component database, Windows firewall, Windows mail, Windows media codec, Windows media player, Windows media player app, Windows performance recoder, Windows update, WinRE, Winsat, Wordpad, Work folder, Workflows, WS Management, Zip, Recall, Autopilot and more.

Update integrated:
+ integrate Windows11.0-KB5043080-x64
+ integrate Windows11.0-KB5045934-x64-NDP481
+ integrate Windows11.0-KB5046910-x64
+ integrate Windows11.0-KB5047134-x64
+ integrate Windows11.0-KB5048667-x64

Enable dark mode by default
Auto Administrator login

Please keep in mind this build for advanced users only!
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Windows 11 Enterprise LTSC Build 24H2.2605 Lite Multilingual (27 languages)

General info:
Fresh clean install supported only
Architect x64
Size 1,8gb (ESD)

+ integrate Windows11.0-KB5043080-x64
+ integrate Windows11.0-KB5045934-x64-NDP481
+ integrate Windows11.0-KB5046910-x64
+ integrate Windows11.0-KB5047134-x64
+ integrate Windows11.0-KB5048667-x64

Language added based most custom build request:
Arabic, Czech, Danish, German, Greek, English (UK), English (US) *default, Spanish (Spain, International Sort), Spanish (Mexico), Estonian, Finnish, French (France), Hebrew, Croatian, Hungarian, Italian, Lithuanian, Norwegian, Polish (Poland), Portuguese, Portuguese, Russian, Slovak, Slovenian, Swedish, Turkish, Ukranian.

+ Choice of language at setup.
+ Languages packs preinstalled so that you can switch between them in the system (Demo Video).
+ Available only for premium plus membership.
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Windows 11 Enterprise LTSC Build 24H2.2605 Lite Plus v2
+ integrate Windows11.0-KB5047134-x64
+ integrate Windows11.0-KB5048667-x64
+ update SAB version
+ remove few scheduled task
+ add few registry tweak
+ minor bug fixed

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Windows 11 Enterprise LTSC Build 24H2.2605 Lite Plus v3
+ integrate Windows11.0-KB5047134-x64
+ integrate Windows11.0-KB5048667-x64
+ integrate Windows11.0-KB5048162-x64-NDP481
+ add Ms Store

+ update SAB version
+ remove few scheduled task
+ add few registry tweak
+ minor bug fixed
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Windows 11 Enterprise LTSC Build 24H2.2605 Lite v2
+ integrate Windows11.0-KB5047134-x64
+ integrate Windows11.0-KB5048667-x64
+ integrate Windows11.0-KB5048162-x64-NDP481
+ update SAB version
+ minor bug fixed

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Windows 11 Enterprise LTSC Build 24H2.2894 Lite Plus
+ integrate windows11.0-kb5048779-x64
+ integrate windows11.0-kb5049622-x64-ndp481
+ integrate windows11.0-kb5050009-x64
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Windows 11 Enterprise LTSC Build 24H2.2894 Lite
+ integrate windows11.0-kb5048779-x64
+ integrate windows11.0-kb5049622-x64-ndp481
+ integrate windows11.0-kb5050009-x64
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Windows 11 Enterprise LTSC Build 24H2.3194 Lite Plus (Rev)
+ integrate windows11.0-kb5051987-x64
+ integrate windows11.0-kb5053424-x64
+ integrate windows11.0-kb5050577-x64-ndp481
+ fix .NET 3.5 not enabled by default
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Windows 11 Enterprise LTSC Build 24H2.3194 SE

General info:
Including two version builds (v1 without Defender and v2 with Defender-tweaked)
This version keeps all windows features, except for:
+ Windows bloatware apps
+ Telemetry
+ Edge

Architect 64bit
Size: 4.40b (ESD)

+ integrate windows11.0-kb5043080-x64
+ integrate windows11.0-kb5051987-x64
+ integrate windows11.0-kb5053424-x64
+ integrate windows11.0-kb5050577-x64-ndp481
+ integrate Ms.Store
+ integrate few tweaks

+ Available only for premium plus membership
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